Sunday, July 21, 2013

Adaptation and Mitigation to Climate Change

      I am glad that I get to do so much of this classes on a country that is so involved in combating global warming and keeping the environment clean. Unfortunately, even Sweden knows that the likelihood of effects of global warming are true and they have taken measures to face these realities with a plan. In 2009 Sweden passed the Climate and Energy Bill that had different steps to face the threats of global warming. The one I found the most interesting and practical is the threats the country faces on the rise in sea levels. They have taken comprehensive steps to deal with excess flooding to keep roads and railways open during storms. To combat the likelihood of more intense windstorms the forest service has started at country wide project placing over-head power lines with buried cables for electricity. 
     However, climate change affects not just Sweden but the entire continent of Europe (and the entire globe as well). Data from the IPCC shows that countries, such as Sweden, and other northern countries adaption skills are much higher then more southern countries due to different socio-economic systems. The main adaptational goal of the European society is through national, regional and local sustainable development strategies and plans. This will be key in keeping carbon emissions down and the sea levels with it. 
This photo was taken from:
      Sweden has also been a player in the combatting of global warming by ratifying the Kyoto protocol which is a treaty signed to vow to lower their carbon emissions. 
      Sweden is doing a great part in mitigating the earth's largest current crisis of global warming. Since 1990 when Sweden first made a concerned effect to address this problem they have lowered their carbon output by 9%. Not only have they lowered their carbon output, they have also showed and growth in economic growth showing that carbon increase and economic increase are not always related. Sweden also has some very high targets for climate and energy policy by the year 2020 such as:   a 40% reduction in greenhouse gas emissions, at least 50% renewable energy, and 20% more efficient energy use. 
     I think it is great that Sweden is doing everything they can to help combat climate change and their carbon footprint. their is no need for the IPCC or any other factor to make Sweden any new environmentally strict laws since they have been proactive and a good example to other countries. 


  1. Evan thanks for the information on what Sweden is doing to help mitigate their impact on climate change. I am wondering how many people will be affected by the sea level rise. I'm reporting on Norway, your neighbor to the west, and the same fears are in place for sea level rise. I always knew that Sweden was environmentally friendly, but I was surprised by how much the country is truly involved in climate change. Great reporting :-)

  2. Sweden has done much to impact their recycling programs as well...

    Great blog!

  3. Thanks for sharing! I think its very interesting that Sweden is taking minor steps towards the future all ready. I mean burying their electric lines now might seem minor, but the future will be great! I also think its great that they set such high goals for the future; it will be interesting to follow-up and see if they were achieved.

    Great post!


  4. Hi Evan,

    "Why can't we be more like Sweden?"

    I say this often, and was muttering it to myself again while reading this post. It's awesome that Sweden has not taken baby steps in their approach to mitigating or adapting to climate change, but have instead set high goals for their nation in terms of energy use and carbon emissions reduction. 50% renewable energy in less than 10 years is fabulous! And for a country of that size and population, this is a bold, but feasible, goal!

